Saxon Alliance for MAterial- and Resource-Efficient TechnOlogies

The field of action Smart Production is elaborated by the University of Technology Chemnitz and the Fraunhofer IWU. The objective is to increase the process stability and quality using self-optimizing, intelligent production technology. This shall be achieved by developing an adaptive process control based on an intelligent production system.

Thus in combination with the fields of action Smart Design and Smart Material a comprehensive simulation supported by novel visualisation technologies like Virtual Reality can be obtained. This simulation uses the results of different disciplines (e.g. FEM and MBS). Therefore all stages of the product life-cycle, from material to production, are considered.

On this basis production processes shall be automatically adapted regarding the history of the workpiece and the properties to be achieved. With this technology different batches of material and unsteady material properties could be considered within the production process for the first time. This would reduce the rejection rate and significantly increase the component quality.

At the same time all relevant process and simulation data are linked in a comprehensive model. This model simultaneously emerges with the real component, that's why it's called Virtual Twin and can either be used for quality assurance of existing products or to develop new ones and creates a variety of opportunities.

Smart Production – Methods for an adaptive production process